
Formal / official documentation, such as the Council’s Standing Orders, can be found under “Official Documents”, here. Other documents and forms, such as / for, Guides, Hall Hire and the Best Kept Gardens’ Competition, can be found under their respective pages.

Official Documentation.

Standing Orders: Standing Orders – 2024v1
Financial Regulations: Financial Regulations – 2024v1
General Privacy notice: General Privacy Notice 2024
Model Publication scheme: Model Publication Scheme 2024

Model Publication Scheme

Terms of reference ( All committees & Working parties): Terms of reference – 2024
Training statement of intent: Training statement of intent – 2024
National Code of Conduct adopted by the Parish Council 5th April 2022:

Local Government Association Model Councillor Code Of Conduct 2020 WEB
Guidance On Local Government Association Model Councillor Code Of Conduct Local Government Association

Small Grants

Klpc Financial Support & Grants To Local Groups Details And Application Form
Klpc Financial Support & Grants To Local Groups Details And Application Form

Data Protection

Kings Langley Parish Council – Statement Regarding Personal Data