Photo competition 2018-19 rules (printable)
- The subject for the Kings Langley Parish Council (KLPC) Photographic Competition 2018-19 is ‘Kings Langley People and Places.’ The theme is open to individual interpretation, but entries must be taken within the parish boundaries of Kings Langley.
- The competition is open to residents living within the parish boundaries of Kings Langley only. There will be two categories (i) aged 14 and under and (ii) aged 15 and over. The winner in each category will receive a prize of £25.
- Entrants can submit up to two photos no larger than A4 as prints, in colour or black and white. Electronic images can be emailed to alan.johnson@kingslangley-pc.gov.uk. No entries can be returned, and proof of posting is not proof of receipt.
- Each entry should be marked with ALL of the following: name, full postal address, contact telephone number (both daytime and evening), email address, age category and where the photo was taken.
- Images may be digitally enhanced to remove spots or scratches, but not manipulated. Entrants can enhance the picture to make it brighter, clearer etc, but not manipulate the content. All entries must be the original work of the entrant.
- Entrants must not be professional photographers, and, for the purposes of this competition, a professional photographer will be considered to be someone who makes more than half their annual income from the sale of their photographs.
- Entries should be sent to: Kings Langley Parish Council, Charter Court, Vicarage Lane, Kings Langley WD4 9HR. The competition closes at midnight on 31 March 2019.
- 8. The KLPC reserve the right to amend or interpret the rules in the interests of the competition. In all matters the decision of the KLPC is final.